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Attached is our updated spreadsheet allowing you to quickly get a sense of how much of your electricity usage could be supplemented by varying sizes of PV systems.


Not only will this chart give you estimates on the amount of electricity that a PV system could supplement, but it also will help you estimate the percentage that your electric bill could be cut, as well as the percentage of greenhouse gas emissions associated with electricity generation that would be eliminated with a PV system. For quantitative amounts of greenhouse gas emissions that a nominal 1 kW PV system will offset please refer to our “Clean Energy Stats” tab on the left side of this page.


To get a free preliminary quote and site assessment from BPVS please take a few minutes to provide us with some basic information in our “First Steps” tab on the left side of this page.

To view the attached PDF file, Click Here .

Posted By: RP . (2013-08-15)