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Senator Ben Downing met with BPVS summer intern, Ryan Puckett yesterday. Ryan has completed excellent research work this summer on the emissions deferral from solar clean energy systems and on historic residential electric rates; his work is featured in earlier news stories below. Senator Downing reviewed Ryan’s research and discussed the relations of electricity rate increases during his first term and the work he and his committee have done to reverse the trend. Professor Elena Traister of MCLA also attended the meeting and spoke of Ryan’s undergraduate work and answered the Senator’s questions on the internship requirements of the Environmental Study major at MCLA. Rebecca Martin, PV project manager also attended the meeting. Rebecca graduated from MCLA in 2008; she was one of the first interns to BPVS referred by Professor Traister.  Pictured left to right:

Professor Traister, Ryan Puckett , Senator Downing and Rebecca Martin


Posted By: cdk . (2013-08-28)