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This week on Weds. April 20th at the monthly  Berkshire Node meeting  Chris Derby Kilfoyle of BPVS will speak on the new legislation  and  Gary Stoller , one of the founders of the divestiture movement  will speak on the fossil fuel divestiture campaign and upcoming actions.  Berkshire 350.0rg always welcomes new members. The meeting is at 7:00pm at the Unitarian Universalist Church 175  Wendell Avenue  in Pittsfield , MA. A potluck dinner starts at 6:30 pm. Find out more at  the chapters   Facebook page:

350MA Berkshire Node

The new solar legislation presents a host of  new problems and barriers to solar . For example : What if your existing PV system is grandfathered in under the old net metering rate and you want to expand ? How will the utility discriminate your solar  ( kilowatt hour) kWh exports for the new rate? Their meter can’t tell the difference  between energy from the vintage part of your PV system and that from the new increment  but according to the legislation your production from the new capacity is to be valued at 40 %  less.  We’ll discuss this and more at the meeting this week.


Posted By: cdk . (2016-04-16)