One of Berkshire County’s earliest solar advocates passed away recently . Stephen Congdon was a long time friend and one of our earliest customers for both utility interactive PV and PV with storage. In fact what he accomplished with his plan and our help to incrementally grow the PV capacity with innovative battery storage at his home in Richmond from 1997 to 2004 anticipated what the PV industry considers highly innovative now in 2016. A long time Professor of Chemistry at Berkshire Community College , in his retirement he remained active each year hosting environmental studies students at his home to show them the solar systems and his gardens. For many years he participated in the American Solar Energy Society National Tour of Solar Homes demonstrating the solar hot water system and his versatile PV systems. Stephen was cheerful and kind and very intelligent on so many matters as was his wife Lenore who passed away several years ago. The two of them epitomized environmental stewardship.
Posted By: cdk . (2016-08-01)