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This year’s Elizabeth and Lawrence Vadnais Environmental Issues lecture will host Dr. John Harris speaking on regional concerns from climate change . The lecture is on Thursday , November 17, at 7p.m. in the MCLA Murdock Hall Sammer Dennis room on the second floor. Murdock Hall is at the center of the campus on Church Street in North Adams. We’re looking forward to hearing Dr. John Harris , a renowned naturalist speak to the changes he has seen, and we should expect, due to to climate change. His most recent book RETURNING NORTH WITH THE SPRING, is published by the University of Florida press. It is an enlightening re- telling of Edwin Way Teale’s 1947 classic. Dr. Harris has also recently completed a documentary entitled FROM HURRICANE TO CLIMATE CHANGE. Save the date ..We hope to see you at the lecture the evening of November 17th

Posted By: cdk . (2016-10-27)