The Massachusetts House and Senate Committee held a public hearing on Tuesday March 11th to take comments on various new bills to address the Net Metering capacity crisis. The legislature will act soon to raise the limits set on interconnecting new solar and other renewable distributed generation to the grid. Christopher Derby Kilfoyle of BPVS testified in favor of Rep. Smizeks’ bill H 3901 and its’ identical counterpart, SB 2019 Senator Petruccelli introduced to the Senate. These bills will extend existing regulations and allow solar capacity growth through the end of 2016. Massachusetts residents in favor of solar should contact their local legislators in support . Go to for contact details
Chris testified against a utility sponsored bill which would restrict growth in solar and other clean energy resources. The hearing was well attended with many speakers from industry and the legislature. The busy proceedings were guided well by Senate Chairman Benjamin Downing to assure fair representation from many sides; he and several committee members asked excellent probing questions.
Posted By: TE . (2014-03-14)