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Earth Weekend 2012

Please come to Williamstown for an important talk by Frank Lowenstein, Global Climate Adaptation Strategy Leader for The Nature Conservancy on Sunday, April 22nd at 3:30 in the Fellowship Hall at  the First Congregational Church on Main Street or Route 2 in the heart...

Earth Day at NESEA

On Saturday April 21st   NESEA , the Northeast Sustainable Energy Association will host a full day design charette on improvements for their headquarters in Greenfield MA. Chris will attend and part of this day will be the dedication of a new solar array at the site ...

Welcome Adam Rich

Welcome  new employee,  Adam Rich to BPVS . Adam will be involved in design and management of projects and brings a wealth of experience.

Elizabeth Kolbert at MCLA April 4th 2012

The Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts (MCLA) hosts an annual Environmental Issues Lecture named for retired MCLA Professor Lawrence Vadnais and his wife Elizabeth. This years’ speaker is Elizabeth Kolbert, author of “Field Notes from a Catastrophe: Man Nature and...

Wahconah Regional Presentation

Back by popular demand, Rebecca  ( Becca) Knights of BPVS will this year again speak to the Environmental Science Classes at Wahconah  Regional High School  in Dalton,  Thursday March 29th. April LeSage of the Science Department wrote “We really appreciated the...