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Mass Moca Presents: Michael Oatman: All Utopias Fell

Mass MOCA presents Michael Oatman’s: All Utopias Fell, an exhibit in which BPVS worked with Mass MOCA and Michael installing 6 Schott-ASE Modules to help power the exhibit. The launching of this exhibit will take place at the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary...

Events Announcement

Chris Kilfoyle of BPVS will be speaking, representing the Solar Energy Business Association of New England at the “Clean Energy Workforce Development” conference at UMass/Lowell on Wednesday, June 23rd. The conference is sponsored by the Massachusetts...

Michael Oatman

This fall marks the opening of artist Michael Oatman’s monumental installation, “All Utopias Fell” at Mass MoCA in North Adams, MA. BPVS was honored to assist Michael with the PV components of this project. Specific opening date TBD.

BPVS Celebrates 25 Years!

In the spring of 1985 after a few years of helping install small stand alone photovoltaic systems in southern Vermont and western Massachusetts and with the experience of living with a stand alone PV system, Berkshire Photovoltaic Services was born. Attending the 1983...