by bpuser | May 7, 2016 | Archive
Here is an excellent article in the Berkshire Edge by Gary Stoller explaing the reasons for Fossil Fuel Divestment . Gary has organized a seminar supported by the Berkshire Node...
by bpuser | Apr 29, 2016 | Archive
The first Berkshire Sustainability Fair called ” Living the Change” will take place on Saturday MAY 7th 11:00 am to 11:00 pm at the Shire City Sanctuary on 40 Melville Street Pittsfield, MA just east of the Transit center on Main Street . Come...
by bpuser | Apr 22, 2016 | Archive
We’re marking significant victories for a rational energy policy this week! Cancellation of the NED Pipeline was announced – we heard the news Wednesday night at the Berkshire meeting – and this afternoon we learn that the Constitution...
by bpuser | Apr 16, 2016 | Archive
This week on Weds. April 20th at the monthly Berkshire Node meeting Chris Derby Kilfoyle of BPVS will speak on the new legislation and Gary Stoller , one of the founders of the divestiture movement will speak on the fossil fuel divestiture campaign and...
by bpuser | Apr 11, 2016 | Archive
New Massachusetts Solar Legislation Governor Baker is expected to sign into law , Monday April 11th the compromise solar bill passed by the House and Senate last week. The bill is far from perfect ; it is not even good or fair but it does provide some relief for...