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Fossil Fuel Divestment Seminar

Here is an excellent article in the Berkshire Edge by Gary Stoller explaing the reasons for  Fossil Fuel Divestment . Gary has organized a seminar supported by the Berkshire Node...

Sustainability Fair

The first Berkshire Sustainability Fair  called ” Living the Change” will take place on Saturday MAY  7th  11:00 am  to 11:00 pm at the Shire City Sanctuary  on 40  Melville  Street  Pittsfield, MA  just east of  the Transit center on Main Street . Come...

Earth Day Victories

We’re marking significant victories for a rational energy policy this week!  Cancellation of the NED Pipeline was announced – we heard the news Wednesday night at the Berkshire  meeting – and this afternoon we learn that the Constitution...

Solar Legislation & Berkshire 350.Org

This week on Weds. April 20th at the monthly  Berkshire Node meeting  Chris Derby Kilfoyle of BPVS will speak on the new legislation  and  Gary Stoller , one of the founders of the divestiture movement  will speak on the fossil fuel divestiture campaign and...

New Solar Law in MA

New Massachusetts Solar Legislation Governor Baker is expected to sign into  law , Monday April 11th  the compromise solar bill passed by the House and Senate last week.  The bill is far from perfect ; it is not even good or fair but  it does provide some relief  for...