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The KiloVault RES-Q Portable Battery Unit

The KiloVault RES-Q Portable Battery Unit

Many customers have asked about solar and battery backup for power outages and for self-reliance, but few buy because it is a great expense. For those looking to run loads such as a refrigerator, freezer, a heating system or even a well pump during a power outage, an...

New Years Update

We are so looking forward to normal business operations – meanwhile, our COVID safe practices have been working well. Our staff “bubble” has been preserved and our customers have been careful and patient too. We’re not dropping our guard in...
BPVS COVID-19 Update

BPVS COVID-19 Update

At BPVS Inc we are taking the necessary steps to protect our customers and ourselves against COVID-19. We are educated on and practicing proper hand washing, disinfecting procedures and social distancing. BPVS remains open although, staffed office hours will be...
BPVS Newsletter!

BPVS Newsletter!

We are starting a newsletter to keep you informed on the latest solar technical and policy news, as well as how average energy production has been fairing locally. If you would like to receive our newsletter please click this link to our signup form...