Grants and Incentives

Grants & Incentives
Our customers have always demonstrated active interest in solar motivated by much more than financial incentives. Since 1985 we’ve seen many incentive programs to help foster PV in Massachusetts and neighboring states and at the federal level. The first Incentive rebates for grid connect PV systems were part of the “Million Solar Roofs” program in the late 1990’s.
In recent years, the chief dollar benefits from going solar are the federal tax credit and savings on high electricity costs. You can count on BPVS to present an honest portrayal and accurate reckoning of the financial payback and pluses for your project.
Tax Incentives:
As part of the recent Inflation Reduction Act signed into law on August 16, 2022, the Solar ITC federal tax credit has increased in amount and has been extended. That means solar PV systems installed between 2022 and 2032 will receive a 30% tax credit. We’ll explain the benefits and include them in your costs analysis at a site assessment.
(These statements are for informational purposes only. The Customer should consult a professional tax advisor on eligibility and application for these tax incentives.)
Tax Incentives:
In Massachusetts there is an income tax credit for installing renewable energy systems (solar or wind power) on primary residence property. The credit is 15% of your cost of the system, including installation, up to a maximum of $1,000. Additionally, the purchase of a PV system installed at a primary residence is exempt from Massachusetts sales tax. Commercial owners or non-Massachusetts residents, we’re happy to explain other federal and state incentives.
(These statements are for informational purposes only; further details are available at The Customer should consult a professional tax advisor on eligibility and application for these tax incentives.)
Agricultural Projects
Please contact us on Farm grants and incentives from the Massachusetts Dept. of Agricultural Resources and the USDA. BPVS is one of the most experienced firms in the nation for the Farm applicable PV designs and helped initiate the PV grant programs with the state and federal governments at the ‘turn of the century’.
Several Federal and State programs offer grants on a competitive basis for PV installations on farms. We also work with reputable lenders and solar loan programs sponsored by the state and manufacturers. Please call BPVS for further details on ways we can help you make solar affordable. We do not offer so-called “free solar” which really are 20 year solar leases or power purchase agreements.
(These statements are for informational purposes only; further details are available at The Customer should consult a professional tax advisor on eligibility and application for these tax incentives.)
Take the First Steps!
Since 1985, Berkshire Photovoltaic Services Inc. (BPVS) has designed and installed hundreds of innovative Photovoltaic (PV) Systems in the area. We favor reliable equipment and PV components manufactured regionally and by established manufacturers. Our reputation for excellence and prompt service complements the ethos of our environmentally minded customers. Our business could not have thrived this long without their references and example.
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